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GROW's podcasts are "radically honest conversations" - musings about inclusive, or not inclusive, experiences. If you are interested in breaking with the traditions of the past to cultivate a better tomorrow, take a listen and contact Jean.


Gen Z Speaks

The advertising industry is clamoring for diverse practitioners. Listen as two diverse Gen Z TruthTellers share their honest and wise perspectives on the industry.

Radically Honest

They Got It Wrong

My ad community’s response to the loss of a great creative seems a mismatch to the circumstances our entire community is facing, and it makes clear the blind power of privilege.


International Perspectives 


This podcast features GROW’s two international collaborators: British semiotician, Chris Arning, and Latinx gender expert, Dr. Marta Mensa. Together we explore perspectives from beyond the United States, as inclusivity has no boundaries.


Rethinking Agency Hierarchy

This podcast features two of my collaborators: Drs. Joanna Jenkins and Kevin Thomas, as they share some thoughts about the future of the ad industry and some big picture thinking around DEI within agencies.

Radically Honest


It seems that the flavor du jour of DEI work is based on the smorgasbord. However, without honest internal intel the smorgasbord approach won’t work.



Conversations with Community Partners


Collaborating with Community Partners, especially those that focus on diverse youth, is a way of opening doors to future diverse talent while deepening our understanding of others. Take a listen.



Why a White Woman

A frank discussion about why Jean is doing DEI work and what she brings to the process.


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