The nomination of Kamala Harris, the first woman of color to the vice presidency, was a long time coming. It is, no doubt, a moment to celebrate for women, especially women of color. But, in truth, it is a moment to celebrate for all Americans. As Michelle Obama said:
“@KamalaHarris may be the first, but she won’t be the last.”
Kamala Harris is only the second black woman to be elected to Senate, where she has demonstrated a relentless passion for racial justice. She was a ruthless questioner at the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and at Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry. Harris’s passion electrified the country, when on the national debate stage last year she challenged Biden for his support for segregationist colleagues decades ago. Yet, Biden was not intimated by her fiery conviction - her willingness to challenge him. No, he said, this is exactly what I want in my vice president.
Yet, Harris's record may not be all that progressive Democrats wanted, given her regressive stance on incarnation as California’s Attorney General. However, since coming to the Senate, Harris has been an advocate for social and racial justice, pushing for an overhaul of policing policies and making lynching a federal crime.
If Biden and Harris are elected, Harris will no doubt be called upon to work on matters from systemic racism, to racial inequality, to changes to law enforcement. Transforming healthcare, revitalizing the economy and over-hauling environmental regulation won’t be far behind. Harris is up for the task. She’s a brilliant lawyer, with a long history of fighting for what she believes in, while breaking boundaries along the way. As she said:
“We are in a battle for the soul of our nation.”
Kamala Harris’s nomination in 2020, the centennial of women’s suffrage, represents a turning point in American history. Indeed, Harris represents a new generation of Democrats, a generation that she and Biden hope will usher in a blue wave in November.
89 days and counting.